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HALKI SUMMIT / Global Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability: A Conversation on Environment, Ethics, and Innovation

Istanbul, Turkey 
June 18-20, 2012
Under the Auspices of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew 
Co-Sponsored by: The Ecumenical Patriarchate 
Southern New Hampshire University 

All sessions and meals are at the Halki Palace Hotel 

MONDAY, JUNE 18, 2012

Arrival in Istanbul and Halki 

17:00   Assembly of participants at Theological School of Halki 

17:30   Tour of Theological School and Library (optional) 

18:00   Opening Ceremony: Theological School of Halki

Welcome: The Most Rev. Dr. Metropolitan Elpidophoros of Bursa,  
               Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery on Halki 
    Keynote Address: His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
Opening Remarks:  
Dr. Paul LeBlanc, President: 
      Southern New Hampshire University 
 Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis: 
      Archdeacon of the Ecumenical Throne 
    Occasional Address: Where We Are Today?  
 Dr. James Hansen:  
      NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies 
19:00  Depart for Halki Palace Hotel 
19:30  Dinner: Informal 
  Drinks: Evening Free 

TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2012

7:00-8.30  Breakfast

8:45-9:00  Welcome: Dr. Paul LeBlanc

9:00-9:45   Session I: Biodiversity and Conservation
Chair: Dr. Michele Goldsmith,
           Southern New Hampshire University
    Speaker: Dr. Jane Goodall, Primatologist: Goodall Institute

9:45-10:00  Questions from audience to Dr. Jane Goodall

10:00-10:30  Break for Refreshments

10:30-11:30  Respondents:  Dr. Jonathan Granoff, Global Security Institute
Dr. Uygar Özesmi, Greenpeace
Dr. Michael Northcott, Edinburgh University
     Mr. Costa Carras, Elliniki Etaireia

11:30-11:45  Brief Break

11:45-13:00  Discussion with all attendees
    Chair: Ms. Krista Tippett, On Being (American Public Media)

13:00   Lunch

14:30-15:15   Session II: Energy and Climate Change
Chair:  Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis
    Speaker:  Mr. Bill McKibben, Author

15:15-15:30  Questions from audience to Mr. Bill McKibben

15:30-16:00  Break for Refreshments

16:00-17:00  Respondents:  Rt. Hon. Dr. Richard Chartres, Lord Bishop of London
     Dr. Anne Wallin, Dow Chemical
Dr. Günay Kocasoy, Boğaziçi University
Mr. Pratap Chatterjee, CorpWatch

17:00-17:15  Brief Break

17:15-18:30  Discussion with all attendees
    Chair: Ms. Krista Tippett

18:30   Dinner

20:00   Informal Conversation
 Drinks: Evening Free


7:00-8:30  Breakfast

9:00-9:45   Session III: Economy and Innovation
Chair: Dr. Paul LeBlanc
     Speaker: Mr. Gary Hirshberg, Stonyfield Farm

9:45-10.00  Questions from audience to Mr. Gary Hirshberg

10:00-10:30  Break for Refreshments

10:30-11:30  Respondents:  Mr. Theodore Papalexopoulos, TITAN Corp.
Dr. Selim L. Sanin, Hacettepe University
Dr. Marea Hatziolos, World Bank
Dr. Nicholas Ashford, MIT

11:30-11:45  Brief Break

11:45-13:00  Discussion with all attendees
 Chair: Ms. Krista Tippett

13:00   Lunch

14:30-15:30   Closing Session: From Here to Where?
     Chair: Ms. Krista Tippett
  Participants: M. Rev. Dr. Metropolitan John of Pergamon,
    Academy of Athens
              Mr. Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountains Institute
15:30-16:30  Discussion with all attendees

16:30-17:00  Break for Refreshments

17:00-18:30  Break; Informal Conversation

18:30   Dinner: Informal

20:00   Recital: Traditional Turkish and Greek Music
      Bosphorus Ensemble and Vassiliki Papageorgiou

Evening Free

[Participants free to Depart]


7:00-8.30  Breakfast

8:30   Departure by Ferry for Guided Tour (optional) of Istanbul

10:00-15:00  Guided Tour of Istanbul
    Ecumenical Patriarchate, Phanar
    Haghia Sophia
Chora Monastery
Lunch included

Departure of Participants

Organizing Committee 
Honorary Chair
Most Rev. Dr. Metropolitan John of Pergamon
Ecumenical Patriarchate

Dr. Paul LeBlanc:  President:  SNHU
Prof. Michele Goldsmith:  SNHU
Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis:  Ecumenical Patriarchate

Ms. Nancy Richardson:  USA
Mr. Nicholas Anton:  Ecumenical Patriarchate

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