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Sustaining the Future of the Planet Together: The Prophetic Ministry of Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

It is not coincidental for the Christian world—and vital for the protection of the environment—that the Pope and the Ecumenical Patriarch have issued joint statements on caring for God’s gift of creation. His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew published encyclicals and initiated conferences on ecological issues for more than thirty years. His Holiness Pope Francis published a seminal encyclical and publicly spoke on climate change from the outset of his ministry. Together the two leaders present a unified approach and prophetic voice on the inseparable relationship between sustainability of the planet and salvation of the world.

Halki Summit V is sponsored in part by generous grants from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and CR Florence Foundation


Wednesday, June 8, 2022 – Official Opening
18:30 – Welcome and Greetings

  • Halki Summit: Fr. John Chryssavgis (Ecumenical Patriarchate) & Angela Caliaro (Sophia University Institute)
  • His Excellency Mgr. Marek Solczynski, Apostolic Nuncio to Turkey
  • Margaret Karram (President: Focolare Movement; Vice-Chancellor: Sophia University Institute)
  • Prof. Giuseppe Argiolas (Rector: Sophia University Institute)
19:00 – Keynote Address

  • His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
19:30 – Music: “Turn Around” by Gen Verde

20:00 – Reception

Thursday, June 9, 2022
9:00 – The Roots of the Ecological Crisis: Fundamental Perspectives

  • Moderator: Rev. Protodeacon Jovan Anicic (Director: Dept. of Christian Education, Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America)
  • Prof. Sergio Rondinara (Sophia University Institute)
  • Dr. Chris Durante (St. Peter’s University)
  • Discussion
11:00 – Commitment to Creation as our Common House: Global and Political Perspectives

  • Moderator: Noemi Sanches (Sophia University Institute)
  • Prof. Vincenzo Buonomo (Rector: Pontifical Lateran University)
  • Theodota Nantsou (WWF, Greece)
  • Discussion
13:00 – Lunch & Conversation

15:30 – Depart for Life-Giving Monastery, Balıklı

  • Tour of Church and Patriarchal Tombs
  • Vespers of St. Bartholomew

Friday, June 10, 2022
Ferry to Halki

11:15 – Welcome and Greeting: Bishop Kassianos of Arabissos, Abbot

  • Represented by Rev. Meletios Stefanatos
11:30 – Integral Ecology and Social Doctrine:Fratelli Tutti and For the Life of the World

  • Moderator: Dr. Nikolaos Dimitriadis (President, CEMES)
  • Prof. Giuseppe Argiolas (Rector: Sophia University Institute)
  • Prof. Vasilios Makrides (University of Erfurt)
  • Discussion
13:30 – Lunch & Conversation

14:30 – Guided Tour

  • Holy Trinity Monastery and Theological School Library
16:00 – Teaching and Advancing a New Paradigm: Evangelical and Educational Perspectives

  • Moderator: Dr. Antonis Kalogerakis (Academy of Crete)
  • Mgr. Angelo Vincenzo Zani (Secretary: Vatican Dicastery of Catholic Education)
  • Dr. Nikolaos Asproulis (Volos Academy for Theological Studies)
  • Discussion
  • Return to Istanbul

21:00 – Dinner

Saturday, June 11, 2022
9:00 – The Imprint of the Creator in Creation: Theological and Spiritual Perspectives

  • Moderator: Prof. Charidimos Koutris (University of Thessaloniki)
  • Prof. Msgr. Piero Coda (Co-Director: Patriarch Athenagoras and Chiara Lubich Ecumenical Chair; Secretary General: International Theological Commission of the Catholic Church)
  • Rev. Dr. Augustinos Bairactaris (University Ecclesiastical Academy of Crete)
  • Discussion
11:00 – The Holy See and the Ecumenical Patriarchate: Ecumenical Perspectives

  • Moderator: His Eminence Metropolitan Maximos of Selyvria (Co-Director: Patriarch Athenagoras and Chiara Lubich Ecumenical Chair)
  • Sandra Ferreira Ribeiro (Co-Head: Centro Uno of the Focolare Movement)
  • Archbishop Job of Telmessos (Dean: Institute of Orthodox Theology, Chambésy; Co-President: International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church
  • Discussion
12:30 – Conclusion

13:00 – Lunch & Conversation

Visit to Phanar and Hagia Sophia / Departures

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Final Departures

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