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Ecumenical Patriarch: "Our aim is to affirm a collaborative response to the ecological crisis"

Dear friends,

We are delighted to announce an international ecological symposium entitled “TOWARD A GREENER ATTICA: Preserving the Planet and Protecting its People” to be held in Athens, Greece, from June 5-8, 2018. The symposium is sponsored by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The President of the Hellenic Republic will be in attendance at the opening session of the symposium, which will assemble some 250 distinguished governmental, environmental and religious leaders.

As you are already aware, over the last three decades, the Ecumenical Patriarchate has highlighted the religious and spiritual roots of the ecological crisis, while emphasizing that the necessary spiritual transformation of human beings and their attitude toward creation requires the collaboration of all social sectors and scientific disciplines. Moreover, we have pioneered diverse international, interdisciplinary and interfaith initiatives for environmental sustainability, organizing symposia, seminars and summits, while inspiring and motivating theologians and scientists, political and business leaders, as well as activists and journalists from all over the world. This is why we were personally involved in the process leading up to the historic Paris Agreement adopted in December 2015.

Therefore, the Ecumenical Patriarchate is organizing this symposium in order to explore the pressing environmental problems of Greece, examining the connections between ecology and economy, particularly in the context of pressing social and environmental challenges of our time. The symposium will also consider the consequences of forced migration in light of the hospitality extended by the government and people of Greece to refugees from the Middle East and Northern Africa. Our aim is to affirm a collaborative response to the ecological crisis, while advocating for a sustainable planet as a sacred legacy for all people and especially our children.

Prayerfully yours,
Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch

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