Ο Οικουμενικός Πατριάρχης κ.κ. Βαρθολομαίος, ευρισκόμενος κατ' αυτάς στο Άμστερνταμ, συμμετείχε το βράδυ της 6ης Νοεμβρίου τρ. έ., με σχετική βαρυσήμαντη ομιλία του στο εκεί διοργανούμενο Συμπόσιο "Water in Times of Climate Change" από το VU Πανεπιστήμιο του Άμστερνταμ.
Water in times of climate change is one of the most compelling challenges societies worldwide have to meet: rising sea levels, desertification, shortage of drinking water and sanitation. In many ways our struggles with water will be crucial to the sustainability and viability of the earth. The symposium aims to build dialogues between activists, scientists, governments, businesses, NGO’s, and religions. It envisions to investigate issues related to water and climate change on interlocking dimensions: science, politics, economics, and religion. The symposium will address the challenges from the vantage point of three major urban areas: Cape Town, Jakarta and Amsterdam. The symposium will stimulate a holistic perspective in search of mutual understanding and shared languages for our common world.
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