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Halki Summit IV. COVID-19 and Climate Change: Living with and Learning from a Pandemic

A Series of Webinars: January 26-28, 2021

COVID-19 has lowered global carbon emissions; but it hasn’t slowed climate change. Our response to COVID-19 has precipitated the discovery of a vaccine; but it has left the world with a staggering number of deaths.

The pandemic of Covid-19 has permanently affected our planet and altered our lives. The world has wrestled to survive and learned to live with the coronavirus. But what are the lessons that we have learned? What has been the impact on nature and the environment? What have been the implications for healthcare? And what have we understood about the relevance and importance of science?


Impact on Nature

January 26, 2021 @ 8:00 PM EST

The novel coronavirus is a global human and ecological crisis. Covid-19 is a stark reminder of our failed relationship with nature. Loss of wildlife and natural habitats, as well as the repercussions of such losses on poorer and indigenous communities, are exacerbated by infectious diseases. What does climate change teach us about the coronavirus? How does the coronavirus affect climate change? What have we learned and what have we yet to learn about this pandemic or how the social, economic, and ecological impacts can be mitigated?


Importance of Science

January 27, 2021 @ 8:00 PM EST

While politics and science – and by analogy, religion and science – do not always mix well, the pandemic has compelled them to enter a relationship, even if with some regret or resistance. How have governments responded to scientists and the science of Covid-19? How have churches responded to scientists and the science of Covid-19? Does a vaccine solve all our problems? Are we prepared to make necessary changes in our lives? How has Covid-19 affected science and technology, as well as our perception of science and religion?


Implications for Health

January 28, 2021 @ 8:00 PM EST

As the novel coronavirus affects the lives of millions of people throughout the world, rising above national boundaries and racial differences, it has invariably left an indelible mark on matters of public health and mental health. What is the importance of coordination and cooperation, of mandatory lockdowns and social distancing, as well as of leadership and support? And what is the tradeoff between health and economy? What is the appropriate response to – and what have we learned about – the need to care for people?


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